What is Smart City Oulu

If you have an idea that you wish to deve­lop into a finis­hed pro­duct, you have come to the right place. Oulu has all the know-how and faci­li­ties to pro­duc­ti­se, test, finance, and com­mercia­li­se your inno­va­tion.

You may be fami­liar with Oulu’s his­to­ry as the home­town of radio tech­no­lo­gy and the rapid deve­lop­ment up to the world-lea­ding 6G research. Oulu­Health, on the other hand, repre­sents the top of health tech­no­lo­gy, whi­le Oulu Auto­mo­ti­ve Clus­ter offers the latest inno­va­tions in vehicu­lar tech­no­lo­gy. You can find more world-class exper­ti­se on the­se pages.

Behind all this is the Oulu Inno­va­tion Alliance (OIA), a cohe­si­ve part­ners­hip network of educa­tion, research, busi­ness, and the public sec­tor. The sta­ke­hol­ders of the alliance have joint goals, resources, chal­len­ges, and pos­si­bi­li­ties to make things hap­pen. OIA makes use of tes­ting and deve­lop­ment envi­ron­ments and avai­lable co-crea­tion ser­vices for deve­lo­ping busi­ness. You are welco­me to join in!


Stay alert. A smart city never sleeps – it keeps pro­ducing new things. Keep track of deve­lop­ments, ask ques­tions and com­ment. Par­tici­pa­te and influence.

Subsc­ri­be to Busi­nes­sOu­lu’s news­let­ter

Trial ser­vices

Trial ser­vices are tai­lo­red accor­ding to your needs. We will find a sui­table envi­ron­ment for your trial and plan the met­hod of its execu­tion.

UAM Oulu

Patiolla.fi – Bet­ter User Invol­ve­ment

Real-time 5G Test Envi­ron­ment

Rus­kon­niit­ty – Cent­re for Circu­lar Eco­no­my


From idea to imple­men­ta­tion. Smart tech­no­lo­gy allows crea­tion of bet­ter solu­tions to impro­ve dai­ly life in the city.

Port of Oulu digi­tal twin

Repor­ting of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­gram­me


Onnik­ka — Per­ma­nent Weight Loss